Agroecology Workshop
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Agrobiodiversity and participatory plant breeding for an agroecological transformation of agriculture?
This workshop will include several presentations about international and Swiss projects on participatory plant breeding, agroecological research, and grain legumes. Additionally, there will be a focus on the exchange between and networking of different actors within Switzerland.
When? Tuesday, 2 November 2021, 13:30-17:30
Where? Kirchgemeindehaus Steigerhubel, Steigerhubelstrasse 65, 3008 Bern
In 2021, CSS together with Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz and semnar / saatgutpolitik & wissenschaft started a four-year interdisciplinary research project on participatory plant breeding and the cultivation of grain legumes began in Switzerland. We want to use this as an opportunity to enter an exchange with other (inter)national projects on the topics of agroecological research and plant breeding as well as to identify synergies. The event will be held in English and is aimed a professional audience. A non-professional translation into German is possible with prior registration.
A Distortion of Science and a Danger to Public and Environmental Safety
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- Press Releases
Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS) and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) have published a scientific critique in response to the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) demanding in recent statements that the EU stops regulating 'genome-edited' plants.
Critical Scientists Switzerland (CSS) and the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) have analysed two statements by the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) in which both called on the EU Commission to end the regulation of so-called ‘genome-edited’ organisms and also older transgenic genetically modified organisms (GMOs). ENSSER and CSS found both statements to be seriously lacking in scientific objectivity and rigour. The literature quoted by Leopoldina and EASAC was selected to support their preconceived conclusion. We list more than 200 relevant scientific publications which suggest another conclusion. 'Genome editing', just as much as the older transgenic techniques, demonstrably poses risks to the environment and human health. Moreover, the relative ease of use and low cost of CRISPR, the best-known and most widely used 'genome editing' tool, gives rise to a considerably higher potential for dual use, abuse and accidental misuse. The application of 'genome editing' as gene drives (which are intended to permanently modify, replace or eradicate whole populations or species in the wild) is an additional cause for great concern.
Extension of Gene-Tech Moratorium
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- New GE techniques
Critical Scientists Switzerland published a statement in response to the Federal consultation process on the extension of the Swiss gene technology moratorium.
The Critical Scienstists Switzerland welcome the planned extension of the moratorium. We fully agree with the Federal report on the planned extension that organisms produced with new gene editing technologies are subject to the current legislation on gene technologies (Gene Technology Act) and are regulated accordingly (precautionary principle, risk assessment, step-by-step procedure, labelling, and monitoring). Despite some inconsistencies of the Federal report highlighted in our statement, Critical Scientists Switzerland generally support the current government policy.
Sustainability through trade agreements?
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Critical Scientists Switzerland and kritische Jurist*innen Bern organized an online event on the issue of sustainability through trade agreements with two renowned experts. Below you can find the slides of the speakers and some links to relevant documents.
Ein Jahr vor der COP26 in Glasgow. Climate change or system change?
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Die Critical Scientists Switzerland und die kritische Politik laden - in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Klimastreik Schweiz, Rethinking Economics Luzern, Karl dem Grossen Zürich und der WOZ - zu einer Städtetour zum Thema Klimawandel ein.
Der in Salzburg forschende und lehrende Geografieprofessor Christian Zeller wird vom Dienstag, 1. bis Freitag, 4. September jeweils um 18:00 in verschiedenen Städten Vorträge zur Klimakrise halten und am Samstag, 5. September einen Vertiefungsworkshop im Klimaraum in Zürich anbieten.
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La prochaine pandémie est prévisible, il est temps de prendre au sérieux la crise écologique
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- Publications
OPINION. La relation entre pandémie et destruction des écosystèmes est maintenant bien établie, mais elle est trop ignorée par le grand public et les instances de décision, écrivent plus de 120 scientifiques, dont deux Prix Nobel, dans une tribune collective
La pandémie de Covid-19 était inimaginable pour beaucoup. Elle a suscité les pires théories complotistes. Pour de nombreux chercheurs, cependant, une épidémie à large échelle n’a pas été une surprise. Début 2018, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) avait d’ailleurs introduit une «maladie X» dans la liste des pathologies pouvant potentiellement provoquer un «danger international», invitant les gouvernements à anticiper et à stopper les processus qui provoquent les épidémies de masse et pas seulement à répondre aux maladies lorsqu’elles apparaissent.
Read the whole statement on "" or click "read more" to read it on our page.