Open letter: Thank you Mr. Assange
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On how Wikileaks and Mr. Assange are helping science
One of the most basic scientific rules is that a scientist needs to work based on facts. The recent rise of ‘Fake News’ and the manipulation of research outcomes and attempts to suppress and bend scientific information that is inconvenient to powerful stakeholders undermines the trust in science and scientists. Platforms like Wikileaks are therefore not only of invaluable importance for democratic-minded people in controlling the powerful but are as well an invaluable asset for the scientific community by providing facts for their work. This is what Wikileaks and Mr. Assange did in the past. They provided facts and thereby helped egs. scientists of our organization in their work as outlined hereafter. Everyone contributing to providing and/or producing facts ought to be protected: Whistleblowers, Journalists and Scientists alike.
Wasserschloss Schweiz | Inputs & Dokfilm | 16. Dez. 2019
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Wasserqualität quo vadis und die Rolle der Schweiz in globalen Wasserfragen
16. Dezember | Montag
@Raum 105, Uni Bern
18:30 Input und Publikumsgespräch mit zwei Expert*innen (Englisch)
19:45 Apéro
20:15 WDR-Doku «Wem gehört das Wasser» (Deutsch)
Der Film wird am Di., 17. Dezember auch in Anwesenheit des Regiesseurs an der Universität Zürich gezeigt.
Science, Precaution, Innovation: towards the integrated governance of new technologies
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14/15 October 2019
Center for Interdisciplinary Research Bielefeld University
33615 Bielefeld Germany
Insektensterben, Biosiversität und Pestizide
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Mittwoch 15. Mai 19:00 Uhr
Uni Basel Kollegienhaus Hörsaal 117