Your membership helps us to broaden our network of critical scientists and to run this organisation. As a member of CSS you are also welcome to bring in your expertise and actively contribute to our network.

The annual membership fee of 50 CHF (reduced fee: 25 CHF) includes an invitation to the annual general assembly.

To become a member of CSS please use this online form

 Or fill in the pdf-form below and send it to: info[at]

or to the CSS office in Bern:

Critical Scientists Switzerland
Mattenhofstrasse 5
3007 Bern

The membership fee can be paid to:

Postfinance SA
Mingerstrasse 20 3030 Bern 
IBAN: CH76 0900 0000 1455 9888 2


Bytheway: Although there is a signature field in the pdf-form, you don't have to print it out and scan it only for that purpose, because under Swiss law a contract about joining an association does not require a signature.